Legal Office

Price for preparing a legal document (cassation appeal, complaint, petition) in Poland.

Are you interested in the costs of writing a appeal by a lawyer? The price for preparing an appeal depends on the type of case, its complexity, legal issue involved and the requested scope of the service. However, taking into account the appeals prepared so far, the price remains in the range of approximately 1000 euro to 2,500 euro.

The pricing of the service based on the presented materials is free. The preparation time for the document is from one to four weeks. Examples of cases and prices for preparing appeals are presented below.

1. Civil case for compensation. Amount of the appeal: 40,000 euro. Case files 80 pages. Verdict of the Court of Appeal with 15-page justification. Price for a cassation appeal: PLN 1.300 euro.

2. Administrative case regarding construction law. Case files 45 pages. Verdict of the Provincial Administrative Court with a justification of 10 pages. Price for a cassation appeal: 1,000 euro.

3. A criminal case for a crime. Case files 87 pages. Price for cassation: 1,000 euro.

4. Civil case for expropriation. The amount of the appeal is 100,000 euro. Case files 150 pages. Judgment of the Court of Appeal with 23-page justification. Price for a cassation appeal: 1,500 euro.

5. Administrative case regarding construction law. Case files 76 pages. The Provincial Administrative Court's judgment with a justification of 21 pages. Price for a cassation appeal: 1,600 euro./p>

6. Criminal case for a misdemeanor. Case files 63 pages. Price for cassation appeal: 800 euro.