An administrative cassation appeal must be filed with the court that issued the contested judgment or decision within thirty days from the date of delivery to the party of a copy of the judgment with justification. The deadline for submitting a cassation appeal for the parties is also binding on the prosecutor, the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Children.
However, if the judgment is not delivered to the party, the prosecutor, the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Children may, within thirty days from the date of issuance of the judgment, request the preparation of a justification for the judgment and file a cassation appeal within thirty days from the date of delivery of a copy of the judgment with justification. under the law, assistance from a lawyer, legal advisor, tax advisor or patent attorney after the judgment is issued, upon a request submitted by the party to whom a copy of the judgment with a justification prepared ex officio is served, or by the party who submitted a request to prepare a justification for the judgment, time limit for filing a complaint cassation appeal runs from the date of notifying the representative of his appointment, but not earlier than from the date of delivery to the party of a copy of the judgment with justification.
The condition for filing a cassation appeal in the event that the complaint is dismissed by the court of first instance is the timely submission of an application for the preparation of a statement of reasons for the judgment of the first instance court (III FSK 1859/21).