Legal office

Entities entitled to administrative complaints in Poland

The court rejects an objection filed after the expiry of the deadline or if it is inadmissible for other reasons or whose deficiencies were not remedied by the defendant within the deadline. A payment order against which no effective objection has been lodged in whole or in part has the effects of a final judgment. If the court of second instance finds, upon the request submitted by the party in the appeal, that there are no grounds for restoring the deadline for filing an objection to a payment order issued in writ proceedings, the court repeals the judgment under appeal and rejects the objection filed together with the application for restoring the deadline (I ACa 523/2003).

An objection to a payment order in writ-of-payment proceedings is subject to rejection if the requirement to use an official form for this objection, resulting from Art. 503 § 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure, was not complied with in relation to the part of the opposition that covers applications for evidence (III CZP 67/2001). Since the objection filed against the order concerned only part of the awarded claim, in accordance with Art. 504 § 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure, in the remaining scope the order has become final and has the effects of a final judgment (I ACa 1289/2003).
