The opposing party may file a response to an administrative cassation appeal to the court of second instance within two weeks of being served with the complaint.
If a cassation appeal is filed by the Prosecutor General or the Ombudsman, both parties may submit a response to the complaint. An application for awarding the costs of the proceedings shall not be accepted if the response to the cassation appeal was submitted after 14 days from the delivery of the cassation appeal, i.e. after the deadline specified in Art. 179 p.p.s.a (II OSK 2173/19).
Since the execution of the request to remedy the formal deficiency of the cassation appeal occurred outside the deadline, this automatically determines the issuance of a decision to reject the cassation appeal pursuant to Art. 178 of the Civil Procedure Code, further proceedings in the matter related to restoring the deadline for payment of the cassation appeal fee to the authority should be considered pointless (III SA/Gd 115/21).